
NHADS SURVEY (Nutrition, Health, Agriculture and Demographic Survey, Jean Rabel, Haiti)

The survey for this report was conducted in 1997 in  Commune of Jean Rabel which covers 467 km2 of territory and has an estimated population of 130,330 residents, 278 people per km2. The area is generally considered among the poorest in Haiti. Infrastructure in the form of a few roads and schools are in horrificRead More

Value Chain Study: Cacao, Cashews, Castor Oil, & Breadfruit

This document presents research on four value chains in Haiti: cacao, cashews, breadfruit and castor bean oil (ricin). The research was conducted in the context of the ILO project FOPRODER (2015-2020), that works through cooperatives and associations in Haiti to provide professional training and promote resiliency of value chains. Arguably the most important information inRead More


In this sub-report a team of HEKS EPER, UMCOR and Socio-Dig staff developed value chain models for three products of critical importance in the Grand Anse: fish, trees and goats. The creation of value-chain models for these products is intended to help people working in the region gain further understanding of the local economy andRead More


This report focuses on rural household livelihoods in four Grand Anse communities. It was commissioned by HEKS EPER with support from UMCOR). The actual research was carried out by Socio-Dig. The report is divided into three main parts and an extensive annex. In Part I, we present the data from the baseline survey. In PartRead More

Part II: Market and Boutik Focus Groups, Plateau Central, Haiti: Product Inventories, Market Size, Pricing & Turnover Rates

This  is Part II of a two part market study (see Part I for quantitative survey) commissioned by the Clinton Foundation and facilitated by TechnoServ Haiti, a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) dedicated to “business solutions to poverty.” The actual research was carried out under the auspices of the Haiti based research company, Socio-Dig. The research wasRead More

Part I: Market and Boutik Survey, Plateau Central, Haiti: Product Inventories, Market Size, Pricing & Turnover Rates

This Part 1 of a two part market study (see Part II for focus groups) commissioned by the Clinton Foundation, facilitated by TechnoServ Haiti, a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) dedicated to “business solutions to poverty.” The research conducted by Socio-Dig, a Haiti-based research company.  The study was designed to assess the availability and pricing of aRead More

Market Assessment for Skills in the Agribusiness and Construction Sectors in the Saint Marc Region

The research presented in this report was commissioned by the RTI project, Local Enterprise and Value Chain Enhancement Project (LEVE), part of a USAID–USDA program working with the Haitian Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Rural Development (MARNDR) to rehabilitate three vocational schools. The goal was to assess the technical skills in demand in St.Read More

Evaluation of Local Purchasing and School Canteen Pilot Project in Petite Riviere de Nippes Report 3 (of 3)

This is the third of three reports that were part of a study commissioned by WFP to evaluate the MENFP (Haitian Ministry of Education) pilot project for Local Procurement School Feeding in Nippes. The research was conducted under the auspices of Socio-Dig, a Haiti-based research company. Despite the cost of the research and an abundanceRead More

Evaluation of Local Purchasing and School Canteen Pilot Project in Petite Riviere de Nippes Report 2 (of 3)

This is the second of three reports that were part of a study commissioned by WFP to evaluate the MENFP (Haitian Ministry of Education) pilot project for Local Procurement School Feeding in Nippes. The research was conducted under the auspices of Socio-Dig, a Haiti-based research company. Despite the cost of the research and an abundance ofRead More

Evaluation of Local Purchasing and School Canteen Pilot Project in Petite Riviere de Nippes Report 1 (of 3)

This is the first of three reports that were part of a study commissioned by WFP to evaluate the MENFP (Haitian Ministry of Education) pilot project for Local Procurement School Feeding in Nippes. The research was conducted under the auspices of Socio-Dig, a Haiti-based research company. Despite the cost of the research and an abundanceRead More

Beans and Corn Value Chains in Gressier, Haiti

This is a draft report, a Pre-crisis Market Mapping and Analysis (PCMMA) Training and Market Assessment Facilitation Beans and Corn Gressier, Haiti, that was conducted with Practical Action Consulting of the UK, on behalf of the GOAL, an Irish NGO.  The research in the field was conducted with the support of Socio-Dig, a Haiti-based research company.Read More

Unpublished EMMA Field Report for Post-Earthquake Emergency Response (Jacmel, Haiti)

The objective of this study of Haiti’s Southwest Department was, 1) expand techniques for value chain development in conflict- and disaster-affected environments with the goal of helping design early responses for ensuring survival (market systems could supply food and essential items or services related to priority survival needs), 2) provide useful information for current humanitarianRead More

Logo Icon Comparison Report

The primary objective of this study was to test consumer opinions of the mascots and labels to aid MFK (Meds and Foods for Kids located in Cape Haitian) in making a decision which label and mascot to use.  A secondary objective was to determine the preferences and interests of Haitian consumers regarding mascots so toRead More

Haiti Coffee Report for Root Capital (2014)

This report describes baseline data collected to help assess Root Capital’s impact on coffee production in one of its target regions of Haiti. The research was conducted under the auspices of Socio-Dig, a Haiti-based research company. The survey focused on farmers in the Savannette-Baptiste area of the Departement du Centre. Most of the respondents were members ofRead More


Ce rapport porte sur la production d’œufs en Haïti dans un contexte de stratégies de subsistance des ménages ruraux des classes populaires.  La recherche a été commissionné par Finland Church Aid (FCA) et menée sous les auspices de Socio-Dig, une société de recherche basée à Haïti.  

Mangos (TechnoServ/USAID/Coca Cola/IDB 2015)

This is an evaluation of Haiti Hope Mango Project, supported by USAID, Coca-Cola, and the IDB and implemented by TechnoServe from 2011 to 2015. The research was conducted under the auspices of Socio-Dig, a Haiti-based research company. I think the research is particularly useful for anyone interested in the Haiti agricultural sector and especially exports. The reportRead More

Haiti Orphanage Report (UNICEF/IBESR 2013): Unpublished

This is the controversial UNICEF/IBESR report, conducted by Sociodig, a Haiti-based research company.   I’ll let interested readers be the judge regarding the quality of the work. But as can be seen from the report, it was a massive amount of research. Quite simply, there is no study of orphanages in Haiti that comes close to itsRead More

IDP Camp Rental Subsidy Survey and Report (OCHA 2017)

The study described in this report was funded by the EU and commissioned by OCHA, and members of the Haiti post-earthquake Camp Cluster.  The research was conducted under the auspices of Socio-Dig, a Haiti-based research company. The report focuses on an evaluation of Income Generating Activities (IGA) that accompanied rental subsidy programs in Haiti between 2013 andRead More

Haiti / Dominican Republic Border Surveys and Report (USAID 1998)

This report is a year 1998 rapid rural appraisal that compares and contrasts the agrarian economy, social organization, and developmental world view found in six rural areas of the Dominican-Haitian border, three on the Haitian side and three on the Dominican side. The report assesses the relevance of these patterns for projected bilateral watershed activities.Read More

Cacao Value Chain Survey Report (Root Capital 2013)

This document describes a cocoa (cocoa) producer survey of a 201 households. The survey was conducted in the Department of the Grand Anse, Haiti. The study responds to a tender from Root Capital for an investigation into cocoa production in three Grand Anse communes (counties): Dame-Marie, Anse d’Hainault, and Chambellan. Haiti_Cacao_Baseline_10_14_2014

Cacao in Haiti Surveys and Report (CRS 2014)

The research presented in this document was commissioned by CRS.  The research was conducted under the auspices of Socio-Dig, a Haiti-based research company.  The report is  a baseline for the project, “Creating Alliances In Cocoa For Improved Access And Organization In Haiti.”  The project was designed and funded by the International Development Bank with the goalRead More

Eggs in Haiti Surveys and Report (FCA 2015)

This report–commissioned by Finland Church Aid (FCA) and carried out under the Socio-Dig, a Haiti-based research company–focuses on egg production in Haiti with an emphasis on popular class rural household livelihood strategies. The study ultimately addresses the question, if equipped with the proper technological resources and financial support, could these households provide significantly more eggsRead More

North West Haiti Surveys and Report (IFAD 2015)

The objective of this annex was to provide the UN agency IFAD‘s with an entry point for understanding the production and marketing strategies among the targeted beneficiaries in North West, Haiti. There are some 700,000 women, men, and children in the Department of the North West and the commune of Anse Rouge. The majority liveRead More

Fishing in Haiti Surveys and Report (Haitian and German Red Cross 2012)

This study responds to a tender from The German Red Cross (GRC) in partnership with the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and the Haitian Red Cross (HRC). The research was conducted under the auspices of Socio-Dig, a Haiti-based research company. The objective was to help inform post hurricane Sandy Livelihoods/Food SecurityRead More

Vulnerability Targeting in Haiti Report (WFP & CNSA 2015)

This study was commissioned by CNSA with the financial and logistic support of WFP and FAO. The objective was to examine the processes that NGO and governmental agencies employ to select beneficiaries of social assistance programs in rural Haiti. The task responds to needs associated with current humanitarian aid and development programs such as: EdeRead More

Vulnerability Targeting Guide for Haiti (CNSA & WFP 2015)

This document is a summary of CNSA’s more comprehensive, Report on Beneficiary Targeting in Haiti: Detection Strategies. It is meant as a summary of that report and a beneficiary selection guide for organizations working in the humanitarian aid and development sectors. With input from Haiti’s CNSA, the World Food Program (WFP), the Food and AgriculturalRead More

BARR Survey and Report for Post-Earthquake Haiti (USAID 2011)

On January 12, 2010, Haiti was struck by a magnitude 7.3 earthquake. An estimated 3 million people were impacted, and original estimates were that 50 to 80% percent of all residential and commercial buildings in the capital and surrounding areas were destroyed or severely damaged, 217,000 to 300,000 people killed, 300,000 injured, and 1.5 millionRead More

BARR Report ANNEX (Haiti Post Earthquake Report: USAID 2011)

The BARR survey team set out to conduct a 54 cluster 3,600 residential building survey in Port-au-Prince neighborhoods (cluster was defined by “n” number of houses closest to a selected geographical point). The population were control versus treatment groups. Neighborhoods where rubble clearing had occurred were to be compared to neighborhoods where rubble clearing hadRead More

BARR Report for Ravine Pentad, Haiti (Post earthquake report: USAID 2011)

Building Assessments and Rubble Removal in Quake-Affected Neighborhoods in Haiti To assist and encourage people to return to their homes after the January 12th 2010 earthquake, USAID funded Rubble Removal Programs including demolition of condemned buildings and the removal of rubble from streets and drainage canals. Between February 2010 and February of this year USAIDRead More

Gender in Haiti Report (CARE International 2012)

The quantitative Gender Survey described in this document was conducted under the auspices of Socio-Dig, a Haiti-based research firm. The survey was part of larger evaluation and exploration of gender in Leogane and Carrefour, two communes (counties) near to Port-au-Prince that were among those most heavily impacted by the January 12th 2010 earthquake. Following theRead More

Haitian-Dominican Border Misunderstandings

The Haitian-Dominican border is a widely misunderstood place. Here I want to share some insights in hopes that they will contribute to a better understanding of the area. But before I get started,  I want qualify myself as not just another anthropologist whining about Dominican-Haitian relations. Over the past 25 years I’ve spent 9 yearsRead More

Haitian Food Consumption Patterns: Part 1

This is the first of a two-part study that was originally funded by the American Peanut Council (APC), and sub-contracted through EDESIA, a social enterprise with the goal of preventing malnutrition among the world’s most vulnerable children through production of Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Foods. Information and excerpts from this report were used in a 2015 reportRead More

Haitian Food Consumption Patterns: Part II

This is the second part of a two-part study that was originally funded by the American Peanut Council (APC), and sub-contracted through EDESIA, a social enterprise with the goal of preventing malnutrition among the world’s most vulnerable children through production of Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Foods. Information and excerpts from this report were used in a 2015Read More

Wheat Bread in Haiti Report (World Vision 2010)

This report was part of USAID Bellmon analysis. It was commissioned by World Vision after the 2010 earthquake to prepare the way for a shipment of 19,000 tons of wheat flour. The earthquake of January 12th 2010 destroyed Haiti’s only mill, Le Moulin d’Haiti (LMH). The mill owners estimate that the it will take atRead More

Edible Oil in Haiti Report (ACDI-VOCA 2009)

In 2008, with the approval of USAID Food For Peace officers, ACDI/VOCA initiated preparations for the monetization of a small lot of soy oil. The objective was to launch a pilot project that would explore a broadening of the income stream to Title II programs in Haiti. Whatever, it provides some useful data on  edibleRead More

Fair Wage in Haiti Surveys and Report (ITC 2013)

This report was commissioned by International Trade Centre‘s (ITC) Ethical Fashion Initiative, a program designed to assist artisans. It examines the concept of a “fair wage” in the context of the cost of living and the prevailing wage scale within in Haiti. It concludes with a recommended wage scale for the artisan sector.

North West Haiti Report (CARE 2012)

This study and the recommendations focus on Haiti’s Department of the North West and Northern portion of the Department of the Artibonite with the objectives of, a) helping CARE International prepare for a new relief and development initiative in the region and, b) conducting an assessment of the current food security situation. The fieldwork was conductedRead More