In this sub-report a team of HEKS EPER, UMCOR and Socio-Dig staff developed value chain models for three products of critical importance in the Grand Anse: fish, trees and goats. The creation of value-chain models for these products is intended to help people working in the region gain further understanding of the local economy and how prosperity can be promoted in the region. Development of the value chains began during the focus group phase of the research where we explored the value chains with groups of respondents and then identified key experts as informants for additional follow-up information. Socio-Dig subsequently adapted its Multi-Dimensional Ethnographic Value Chain Mapping Strategy (MEVMS) to create three detailed value-chain maps for each product. In addition to providing a visually interesting and effective means of conveying information about market chains, the maps will enable HEKS-EPER to more effectively evaluate and meet needs before and after crises. Go here for the Full Report and here for and here to find the Focus Group Transcriptions and Translations.
