Value Chains

Value Chain Study: Cacao, Cashews, Castor Oil, & Breadfruit

This document presents research on four value chains in Haiti: cacao, cashews, breadfruit and castor bean oil (ricin). The research was conducted in the context of the ILO project FOPRODER (2015-2020), that works through cooperatives and associations in Haiti to provide professional training and promote resiliency of value chains. Arguably the most important information inRead More


In this sub-report a team of HEKS EPER, UMCOR and Socio-Dig staff developed value chain models for three products of critical importance in the Grand Anse: fish, trees and goats. The creation of value-chain models for these products is intended to help people working in the region gain further understanding of the local economy andRead More


A big part of the irony of the rocket like growth of the Dominican mango export industry over the past 30 years (read this post) is that this had not only happened while Haiti’s exporters had failed to increase their own exports or to effectively organize the mango industry: it was arguably launched with theRead More

Beans and Corn Value Chains in Gressier, Haiti

This is a draft report, a Pre-crisis Market Mapping and Analysis (PCMMA) Training and Market Assessment Facilitation Beans and Corn Gressier, Haiti, that was conducted with Practical Action Consulting of the UK, on behalf of the GOAL, an Irish NGO.  The research in the field was conducted with the support of Socio-Dig, a Haiti-based research company.Read More

Unpublished EMMA Field Report for Post-Earthquake Emergency Response (Jacmel, Haiti)

The objective of this study of Haiti’s Southwest Department was, 1) expand techniques for value chain development in conflict- and disaster-affected environments with the goal of helping design early responses for ensuring survival (market systems could supply food and essential items or services related to priority survival needs), 2) provide useful information for current humanitarianRead More

Haiti Coffee Report for Root Capital (2014)

This report describes baseline data collected to help assess Root Capital’s impact on coffee production in one of its target regions of Haiti. The research was conducted under the auspices of Socio-Dig, a Haiti-based research company. The survey focused on farmers in the Savannette-Baptiste area of the Departement du Centre. Most of the respondents were members ofRead More


Ce rapport porte sur la production d’œufs en Haïti dans un contexte de stratégies de subsistance des ménages ruraux des classes populaires.  La recherche a été commissionné par Finland Church Aid (FCA) et menée sous les auspices de Socio-Dig, une société de recherche basée à Haïti.  

Haiti Anthropology Brief: Plantain and Banana Value Chains

Where there is moist, irrigated soil, plantains and bananas are the preferred crop in Haiti. They consistently rank among the top three crops that rural Haitians plant. Eighty percent of rural Haitians plant them and virtually all Haitians eat them. They are to Haitians what the potato is to North Americans. And for reasons describedRead More

Gender and the Fish Market Chain in Haiti

NGO Interventions, Associations and the Market Chain: Risk of Putting Women out of Business NGOs have intervened in the purchasing-processing-storage-and-marketing chain to help fishermen get better prices for their fish and thereby bolster income to impoverished households. This support has encouraged the formation of male-dominated fishing associations. In addition to help with offshore fishing, theyRead More

Cacao Value Chain in Haiti

This paper summarizes the history of cacao globally and in Haiti, and then explores the cacao value chain in Haiti’s two cacao growing region, the Department of the Grand Anse communes of Chambellan, Dame-Marie, Anse d’Hainault and Irois, and Department of the North communes of Borgne, Port-Margot, Grande Rivière du Nord, Acul du Nord andRead More

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