Prepackaged Industrial Snack Food Industry in Haiti
Imported snack foods are another solution to what I have defined elsewhere as the Food Preparation Conundrum (The Storage problem, The Water Problem, The Fuel Problem, The Labor Problem) that has come about with rapid urbanization of the past 50 years. They are inexpensive, ready to eat, available everywhere, have a long shelf-life and areRead More
Fair Wage in Haiti (Academic Version)
First published as a report commissioned by the ITC (International Trade Center/Ethical Fashion Initiative, November 2012) INTRODUCTION This white paper examines the concept of a “fair wage” in the context of the cost of living and the prevailing wage scale within in Haiti. It concludes with a recommended wage scale for the artisan sector. FAIRRead More
Cacao Value Chain Survey Report (Root Capital 2013)
This document describes a cocoa (cocoa) producer survey of a 201 households. The survey was conducted in the Department of the Grand Anse, Haiti. The study responds to a tender from Root Capital for an investigation into cocoa production in three Grand Anse communes (counties): Dame-Marie, Anse d’Hainault, and Chambellan. Haiti_Cacao_Baseline_10_14_2014
Edible Oil in Haiti Report (ACDI-VOCA 2009)
In 2008, with the approval of USAID Food For Peace officers, ACDI/VOCA initiated preparations for the monetization of a small lot of soy oil. The objective was to launch a pilot project that would explore a broadening of the income stream to Title II programs in Haiti. Whatever, it provides some useful data on edibleRead More