BARR Report ANNEX (Haiti Post Earthquake Report: USAID 2011)

The BARR survey team set out to conduct a 54 cluster 3,600 residential building survey in Port-au-Prince neighborhoods (cluster was defined by ā€œnā€ number of houses closest to a selected geographical point). The population were control versus treatment groups. Neighborhoods where rubble clearing had occurred were to be compared to neighborhoods where rubble clearing had not occurred (this was dropped during analysis as there were not significant differences between the two groups). Neighborhoods in the control groups (nonrubble clearing areas) were to have approximately equivalent high proportions of buildings destroyed by the January 12th earthquake as found in the treatment groups (the proportion per region was to be determined from the MTPTC evaluations). The exact number of treatment versus control group clusters was modified because there were insufficient qualitifed sampling units in the treatment sampling frame.

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